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Rush Athletics USA
Rush Athletics USA
CCH and Surrounding Communities
We’re excited to announce our popcorn fundraiser to start July 2nd! Funds raised will go towards medals for our track meet and travel grants for those traveling to the 2024 Junior Olympics.
There are two ways to participate!!!
Option 1 – Family Popcorn Store: You can set up a popcorn store for your athlete(s). If you chose this option, you can earn brand new Rush merch!!!!
You will create a Pop-Up Store and sell Double Good popcorn! Before the fundraiser begins: 1. Download the Double Good app 2. Enter our event code EPKBQU in the app 3. Create your Pop-Up Store
The app is available for free on iOS and Android. Prizes 1. $125 in sales= Rush water bottle 2 $250 in sales = Rush drawstring shoe bag and water bottle 3. $500 in sales = new Rush jacket, water bottle, and shoe bag 4.$1000 in sales = new Rush jacket and pants, water bottle, and shoe bag 5. $1500 in sales = Rush backpack, new Rush jacket and pants, water bottle, and shoe bag
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